What Are the Essential Features of Board Portals for Meetings?


Board portals for meetings are technology that can help streamline meeting management processes. In contrast to the early software that provided access to board books modern portals have more capabilities. You should have the list of questions that you can ask during demonstrations.

What are the main attributes of a Board-Portal?

Board portals allow you to create and distribute agendas utilizing the necessary documents. Portals also allow for an easy way to track actions, votes, and resolutions.

During the meeting, the board can comment and collaborate on documents in real-time, across any device and platform. Portals that are focused on security can offer eSignatures to speed up document signatures, while preventing sensitive information from getting into the hands of the right people.

Meeting minutes are automatically created in the portal, removing the necessity for secretaries to take notes on the spot as the meeting progresses. This lets your board concentrate on strategic issues and less time working on administrative tasks.

Ask about the user-friendliness of the tool when looking at a new portal for your board or a re-design of an existing one. Board members are busy and don’t want to waste time learning about a new system. Consider features that will help ensure their adoption including how-to videos, FAQs, remote training sessions and a single contact for technical assistance. Also, consider the way in which your vendor’s pricing structure is compatible with your budget.

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